Welcome to Albany Housing YP

Albany Housing YP is for young people aged 16-25 who have previously been ‘Looked After and Accommodated’.

They will have support from the Supported Housing  Service that allows them to administer the transition to living independently by providing semi-independent accommodation which prepares and creates a journey for a young person to manage  their own tenancy in the future.

My experience before moving to Albany Housing was okay, there were some uncomfortable experiences when I lived in Lambeth, I felt unsafe there. I explained my concerns to my social worker who was based at Lambeth Council, who referred me to Albany Housing Trust. I came to look at the property at first with my social worker and liked it straight away. It was smooth sailing after the assessment interview. They said I was successful then I moved in. Where the property is, is quite peaceful. The property I moved into is self-contained with its own kitchen and shower room, just right for me and I feel pretty safe. The buses run quite frequently, and the flat is near local shops and Croydon Town centre. I am very grateful to Albany Housing for letting me stay in their property and giving me an opportunity for a second chance and my safety.
We was very happy with the level and standard of service we are receiving from Albany Housing. The communication has been excellent and the support that Albany Housing provide to them as a care provider and the tenants is so much more over and above to that which we receive from other Supported Housing Providers
I have been doing work experience with Albany, I haven't been here for a long time, but every one has been making me feel welcomed. I get help when I need it and all of the staff members are compassionate with what they do; helping me fit in, teaching me life skills and they are actually caring, it's like a sense of family here. My first maintenance project experience on Lambeth Road wasn't difficult as I had help from Joe, one of the maintenance workers, when I needed help or had questions I got the help I needed. I did painting and Joe also showed me some other stuff like how to change the face of power sockets correctly.