Do you have a complaint ? We are sorry if you do, but please do tell us and we will get back to you in due course.
Do you have a suggestion for AHT on how to improve our services ? If so, please do tell us…
Are there any maintenance issues at your home ? If so, do let us know…
Complaints Procedures
What Is A Complaint?
Definition: “Any expression of dissatisfaction that needs a response.”
Our definition is: If the person contacting us thinks it is a complaint, then it is. On the other hand, someone may make a comment that highlights a part of our service we could improve, and may not call it a complaint. The important thing is that we record it, and take the opportunity to improve our service.
How Albany Housing will Deal with Your Complaints
Stage One
Service users may advise any Albany Housing Trust representative that they wish to make a complaint; it could be as informal as making a comment or observation. No matter how informal it might be, the representative will document the details on a Complaints Form, and may ask for specific information, which will assist any investigation. If possible we will rectify the problem there and then, but the very least to expect is an apology.
Stage Two
The Operations Manager will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 5 working days and perhaps ask you for more information (if required). The complaint will then be investigated by the Operations Manager and a full reply to the complaint will be sent and action taken to resolve the complaint within 7 working days.
Stage Three
Should the complainant remain dissatisfied with the response received, the matter will then be referred to the Director/HR who will acknowledge the complaint within 3 working days and investigate it.
A full reply to the complaint including outcomes of any investigation and intended actions will then be sent within 14 working days. If an investigation takes longer than 14 working days, regular updates will be sent to the complainant.
Please note: Records of complaints are treated as confidential information.
Albany Housing is always pleased to receive compliments and positive feedback, which would help us to continue to provide the quality service you require.